
Turn 3-4 kills, consistently? Check. Able to win multiple ways? Check. Able to close when an opponent has stabilized? Check. Disruption? None main deck, almost none in side. Resilient to disruption? Check.
Here's the list with some changes from the winning list.  I like the updates, but you decide:
A Legacy Deck by Mike Beckwith 4/3/11

Creatures (25)

Spells (19)

Lands (16)
Sideboard (15)
I'm missing one sideboard card total.  Everything else in this deck is exactly how I want it.
Ok, so here are some things this deck has done in my testing.  Versus counter-top, in boarded games: turn 3 serenity 

resolves and I have 1 card in hand, a Tezzeret and a board full of weenie beaters. I am unable to play the tezz on my turn, and get all my artifacts destroyed, wiping my board with him at 8.
I proceed to top deck lands and irrelevant cards like Ornithopter, which get countered by his active top/counterbalance combo. About five turns later, while he's been searching for a way to actually kill me, I drop Tezzeret, which resolves, and +1 him. My opponent had no threat on the board. Next turn I won with Tezz's ultimate.
In another game I had him at 5 life turn 3 and me at 23 thanks to his Swords to Plowshares. He'd have been dead without the swords.
In a third game he gets out Moat 

and Ensnaring Bridge 

with one card in hand, while still at fairly high life total. I animate Inkmoth Nexus, swing, and equip Cranial Plating in declare blockers step. He goes from 0 poison to 11 poison.
Hmm, you're deck just combo'd off and has infinite life? Ok, I'll poison you to death. You've locked down the attack step and none of my creatures can attack? Ok, I'll burn you out with Tezz.  This deck can do some really powerful things.
Burn is practically an auto-win game 1. Junk is also a fairly strong game one.
The strength of this deck lies in it's ability to put on consistent pressure despite disruption and basically ignore the opponents game plan.  I'm just going to kill you. Fast. And kill it does.  I don't know of any deck that has better game 1 match-ups. (not that I'm a legacy expert by any means so take that statement with a LARGE grain of salt)
The original deck had 4 Blinkmoth Nexus 

instead of the 4 Inkmoth Nexus 

I have in the deck.  I prefer the Inkmoth Nexus for the ability for the alternate win.  
Inkmoth and Cranial Plating 

almost always equals insta-win, and one that many opponents won't expect the first time around. It's ability to swing even with Moat or Ensnaring Bridge is important. The ability to with through something other than life total is also important.  I've seen a number of Cephalid Breakfast lists do well recently, and heard murmurings of life.dec rearing it's infinite life combo head, so being able to kill despite the opponent having 2 billion life is essential.
Anyway, I can't wait to test this in a tournament setting.  It's a blast to play.


  1. The UW Control deck that made Top 8 is very similar to mine after I made modifications this past week. Only major difference is I don't have big Jace and he runs Contagion Clasps, which I was considering.


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