New Stuff!

Modern is a format now.  This is pretty cool.  I really like eternal formats like legacy, but as I have noted before I am slightly short on the cards for that format.  Modern is great for me because it is all the sets I played in a LOT.  With the notable exception of the shock lands, I have a lot of the important cards for the format already.  I'm brewing up a list with Melira and persist dudes to go infinite with a sac outlet and either kitchen finks for infinite life, or Murderous Redcap for infinite damage.  The deck is pretty fun, but so far in testing has difficulty with an even BETTER infinite combo of Emrakul and Emrakul.  Yes I know he's legendary.  Cloudpost decks are now running two Emrakuls and one Eye of Ugin. With enough mana,  18 or more, they search up an Emrakul and play it.  Then they take their extra turn, attack with Emrakul, and then search up the second Emrakul, play it, shuffle both back into the library and take another turn.  They will never deck out, and never run out of turns.  They will be able to attack and annihilator 6 each OTHER turn for as long as they like.  Oh and they can do this consistently on turn 4-6 or so.  It's pretty scary.

My deck, on the other hand gains infinite life turn 3 and can do infinite damage turn 4-6 or so, which means that it has the ability to race if it needs.  And if I SB in an Emrakul of my own, I'll never deck out, which means even if I have 0 permanents for the rest of the game, but I have 892 billion life, 1 or 2 Emrakuls are not getting there. If I want to be a jerk, I can force the draw.  The problem on my side is that once I get hit by any Eldrazi and have to sac permanents, I don't have enough land left in play to win.  All is Dust is very good at slowing me down, usually, if it comes when needed, the turn before I go infinite.

A rough outline of the Melira deck looks like this:
4 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
4 Viscera Seer
4 Kitchen Finks
4 Murderous Redcap and some search spells.
There are a bunch of different ways to build this once you have the base combo set up, but I like the Jund option.

Zoo is fairly strong as well, but pretty much requires a land base that costs around 800$ and a playsets of Dark Confidant and Tarmogoyfs, none of which I have.

I have to admit I like a format that has so many cards that almost anything is possible.  I like infinite combos and I like seriously fast aggro decks.  Once the format settles a bit the control decks will appear and I'll probably like those too, knowing me.  So overall I am extremely happy with the state of Modern.

Now for something completely different.

I've started altering Magic cards and, since I don't paint, I've been cutting up a lot of cards to make 3D versions.  I've done two so far, Skywinder Drake and Act of Treason.

What do you think?

And on a third, completely unrelated note, I started organizing my rather massive collection of Magic cards.  I, with the help of some rather generous friends (Thanks Rob, Justin, and Jess!), have been taking every single card I own, sorting them by color and set, and archiving them.  I've done all the expansion sets (read: I haven't done the core sets yet) from Beta all the way through Shards block.

At one point my table looked like this:

And this wasn't even close to all of them.
I still have a lot to do.  Wish me luck!


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