Some ideas about decks

So I build decks based around the cards I have available and the cards I think are fun or good. I just got my playset of Primeval Titan, and I definitely think this is a fun card, so I'm probably going to be working to build a deck based around it.
Some cards I was thinking of pairing with it:
Genesis Wave - a breakable card if ever I have seen one.
Eldrazi Monument - a really powerful effect
Ob Nixilis, the Fallen - just imagine him dropping off a Genesis Wave, he'll see all lands that enter play at the same time he does and trigger landfall that many times.
Emeria Angel - Landfall guys work really well with Genesis Wave and my current favorite titan.
So far I'm seeing a junk ramp deck taking shape here, but how do I stop those creature rush decks?
Thoughts, opinions?
- Rogue Insight


  1. "...But how do I stop those creature rush decks?"

    My best suggestion would be Nest Invader. Not only does it provide 2 chump blockers, but it also has the ability to give you ramp early game.

    Other options:
    -Doom blade, possibly. Least favorite choice.
    -Condemn, if you're running white.
    -Wall of Omens, to get some early card advantage.
    -Consume the Meek
    -Reassembling Skeleton or Blight Mamba/River Boa, if you just want to stall. The skeleton also works real well with your Eldrazi Monument.

    The problem I see with all my suggestions though, is that you don't really want to genesis wave into any of those dinky creatures. You want to genesis wave into more powerful creatures. I feel to really abuse genesis wave you need perfect placement of the upcoming cards, which you could really only gain with blue (think jace 2.0, preordain, halimar depths, foresee) or liliana vess.

    The good thing, however, is that you've identified 2 kills so far: 1) genesis wave into large creatures and 2) any creatures of yours + eldrazi monument. That's good. Just be careful your deck doesn't slowly morph into an elf deck...even though the thought of all that mana + chump blockers is appealing.

    Good luck,
    The Necrotic Plague


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