What am I about?

OK about me: 
My name is Mike Beckwith. I am a long time Magic player. I started playing around the end of Beta and beginning of revised. I love the game and have been reading articles written by pros for years now. This is my first attempt to write my own articles.

Full Disclosure: I'm not a pro. I don't know or care what my rating is.
I do, however, play fairly competitively (FNM, PTQ's I don't need to travel to, States, etc) and am consistently thinking about my play, my decks (I never have just one), my mistakes (big category here), my improvements (currently small category, but getting bigger), what I think about the standard metagame, what cards are fun, what cards I want to build around, what cards are better than the world seems to think, what cards are worse than the world seems to think, new sets, the "best decks", net decks, etc.

I don't ever expect to make it to the Pro Tour, but I am always working as if I DO intend to get there. I'm not a grinder, and can't spend 40+ hours a week playing. I don't have a large playtest group of pros or other good players with whom to test out my ideas. (I am open to invitations though!)

I do have a life outside of Magic that I cherish and enjoy quite thoroughly. I have a wife (whom I love), I have a daughter (whom I love), and I have a full time job (which I love). These things take up the majority of my time. But most of my free time I spend playing or thinking about Magic.
I've recently started making youtube vids about Magic as well, and have been having a blast doing so. I'll be posting through articles, podcasts, and youtube all my current ideas whenever I get the inspiration.

May you too be inspired.

- Rogue Insight


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