Updated Architect Blue

Here is my updated list for standard Architect Blue.

Architect Blue
60 cards, 15 sideboard
2 Halimar Depths
4 Inkmoth Nexus
14 Island
4 Tectonic Edge

24 lands

4 Renegade Doppelganger
3 Thrummingbird
4 Grand Architect
3 Treasure Mage
3 Trinket Mage
1 Steel Hellkite
1 Thopter Assembly
2 Wurmcoil Engine
2 Blightsteel Colossus

23 creatures

2 Chimeric Mass
4 Everflowing Chalice
1 Brittle Effigy
4 Stoic Rebuttal
1 Contagion Engine
1 Volition Reins

13 other spells

4 Spell Pierce
2 Volition Reins
2 Corrupted Conscience
4 Into the Roil
3 Ratchet Bomb

15 sideboard cards

Renegade doppelganger and the deck:  It's a 2 drop that accelerates you're big artifacts with architect, it's pumped by architect, it gives your blightsteel colossus, thopter assembly, & steel hellkite haste, it doubles up on proliferate with thrummingbird, and generally enables the deck to function.

Thrummingbird: Accelerates your mana with everflowing chalice, kills them with inkmoth infect, and accelerates your mana with architect.  Architect needs blue 2 drops to function well and this one is useful by itself.  Watch your opponents look at your turn 2 bird and groan, then waste a disfigure or go for the throat on it. This is a surprisingly significant late game threat.

Blightsteel Colossus: You'll be amazed at how fast this deck gets to 12 mana, easy way (with architect) or hard way (with proliferating chalices).  It's a searchable threat that will frequently have haste thanks to those sneaky doppelgangers.

Contagion Engine: For those times when you need mass creature suppression or proliferation for the last few poison counters.  This thing gives inevitability.

Mages, Trinket & Treasure: The card drawing and Silver Bullet Selection - These are the cards that make this deck resilient.  Need mana? Trinket mage gets it.  Need a threat? Treasure and Trinket gets them. Need Proliferation? Treasure gets it.  Need mana? Mages + Architect get it.  You can cast the card you find with the mages the turn you find it even when tapped out, thanks to Architect shenanigans.  These cards allow the deck to attack an opponent from multiple angles.

Stoic Rebuttal: Allows the deck to counter the important spells on the pivotal turns.  Allows the deck to play like Fish.

Grandpa Architect: Duh.  This guy is the grease of the deck.  It does everything, pumps guys, accelerates mana, pumps infect.  You're never sorry to draw him.

Edit for the commenter below: If I had Jace TMS I'd run him, but I don't and can't afford to pick up the 3-4, but yes he's good in this too.  Take out 1 Chimeric Mass, 1 Blightsteel Colossus, and probably 1 Trinket Mage, as the Treasure Mages are pretty important, and you play a 4 of the chalices anyway, so you rarely need to trinket them up.
If your meta is aggro heavy put the ratchets in the main, probably take out the stoic rebuttals, as they suck versus aggro. Put in 2 Into the Roil for the 4th Stoic Rebuttal and the 1 Volition Reins.


  1. Really, really like the looks of this! I've been trying NOT to play Jace 2 in blue, and always end up getting bitten for the decision. Legitimately tempted to try to squeeze him in (maybe over a mass and one of each mage) and run with it at FNM. Not sure.

  2. Well just proved that it dies horribly to weenie rush decks. If you have an aggro heavy metagame I'd recommend switching the main deck a bit to deal with that. Maybe Into the Roils main.

  3. You probably tried it, but Myr Battlesphere? Lots of chump blockers, instant metalcraft for Stoic, damage to the face for the last few points...

    I like the looks of this. Any other ideas vs aggro?

  4. Looks pretty brutal. I'll have to pit my new Tempered Steel list against it next FNM.

  5. Also, I feel that Myr Battlesphere is a better choice over Thopter Assembly. The token legacy and the direct damage ability is more of a threat in my opinion.


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