Big Artifact Blue

So earlier this week I was totally inspired by some tweets by @Geordie_Tait to make an artifact deck.
It turned out horrible.  Funny article, disastrous deck. 
But I didn't stop dreaming up ways to make Artifacts good.  So I'm taking a second shot at the deck.
I want to build around Grand Architect this time.  It's such a good effect.  But I also was thinking that this format is defined by BIG effects.  So I was wondering what the biggest effect I could get with the artifacts in the format, and Prototype Portal kept worming it's way into my thoughts.
What are BIG things to stick on a portal?
Wurmcoil Engine
Myr Battlesphere
Platinum Emperion 
Lux Cannon
less amazing but still good options are:
Tumble Magnet
Brittle Effigy
Platinum Angel

So here we go:
4 Grand Architect
4 Trinket Mage
4 Thrumminbird
2 Voltaic Key
3 Prototype Portal
4 Everflowing Chalice
1 Brittle Effigy
3 Ratchet Bomb
3 Myr Battlesphere
2 Mindslaver
1 Chimeric Mass
2 Lux Cannon

3 Wurmcoil Engine
4 Tectonic Edge
4 Halimar Depths
16 Island
Side Board:
4 Stoic Rebuttal
4 All is Dust
3 Platinum Emperion
4 Contagion Engine

So now I'm going to try this one out. I think the 12 pack of blue creatures is important with the Grand Architect.
The number of things this deck can do turn 3 or 4 is pretty nuts. Grand Architect into Everflowing Chalice kicked twice? How about into Prototype Portal imprinting almost anything in the deck and the mana to use it next turn.
if I were going to drop a card it would probably be trinket mage for something in the two drop slot like Plated Seastrider to shore up the aggro matches and give me another 2 drop to ramp me when I drop architect turn three, hopefully.
Looks worth a shot.

Yes, I live in Magical Christmasland.

Now if only I can figure out how to set up apprentice or workstation.
 - Rogue Insight


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