G/W Tokens - I may be in love.

So if you're on Twitter and don't follow @Smi77y, you should. 
This guy is the deck designer I want to be when I grow up.  I mean this deck is elegant, simple, effective, and resilient.  I like the inclusion of the singleton  Genesis Wave as well.
I may just have to build this and take it for a spin.

@dangerawesome (Dan Barrett), who if you aren't following on twitter you should be as well, wrote a very good article that discusses this deck, deck building and a number of other interesting topics and is a must read.
Thanks for the awesome deck and great article guys!  Keep up the good work.
 - Rogue Insight

Smi77y (4-0)
Standard Daily #1671963 on 10/18/2010

Main Deck
60 cards
2  Forest
4  Khalni Garden
6  Plains
4  Razorverge Thicket
4  Stirring Wildwood
4  Sunpetal Grove
2  Tectonic Edge

26 lands

4  Nest Invader
3  Overgrown Battlement

7 creatures
3  Awakening Zone
3  Beastmaster Ascension
4  Conqueror's Pledge
3  Eldrazi Monument
3  Elspeth Tirel
3  Explore
3  Garruk Wildspeaker
1  Genesis Wave
4  Journey to Nowhere

27 other spells
3  Autumn's Veil
2  Day of Judgment
4  Leonin Arbiter
3  Leyline of Sanctity
1  Naturalize
2  Obstinate Baloth

15 sideboard cards


  1. Oh my. Tokens. It has my approval already. Awakening Zone. So beautiful.

    The only card I'd be shaky on is the Conqueror's Pledge. It's a lot of mana, and 3 white is not easy to produce. Wow, this is a beautiful deck. It's gorgeous. Even the sideboard is perfect. I don't know what else to say. I'll test it out and let you know how it does.

    -The Necrotic Plague


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